Level 1 Water Restrictions – Sydney
Sydney's new Level 1 water restrictions are now in place. Why?
More than 85% of Greater Sydney’s water supply relies on rain. This means that our water is in short supply during prolonged droughts. The Bureau of Meteorology has predicted a hot summer, with no forecast for significant rain, so Level 1 water restrictions now apply.
Water restrictions limit how and when we use drinking water outdoors and help reduce demand when we’re not getting enough rain.
Water restrictions apply to everyone in Sydney, the Blue Mountains and the Illawarra. This includes both residents and businesses. If we all do our bit and save a little, it will make a big difference across Greater Sydney.
All of our Sustainable irrigation solutions comply with the new Level 1 Water Restrictions. If you have an existing irrigation system and you're not sure if it complies with the new restrictions, contact us, we are very happy to provide you with expert advice!
If you would like a NEW Smart irrigation system installed, we can design a solution for you, install it & provide maintenance services. A complete Smart solution.
Fines for not following the restrictions?
Fines of $220 apply to individuals and $550 for businesses
Exemption Permit
We have been granted Sydney Water Exemptions under the current Water Restrictions.
Permit Number 732921
How Does It Affect You?

Lawns & Gardens
You can water lawns using a hand-held hose fitted with a trigger nozzle, a watering can or a bucket before 10 am and after 4 pm
You can water lawns using drip irrigation systems
You can water lawns using a compliant 'smart watering system' that includes automated weather adjustment, a rain sensor or a soil moisture sensor.
You can water new turf using a large a hand-held hose fitted with a trigger nozzle for up to four weeks from the delivery date, following the watering plan below. This applies to areas of any size
You can water new turf using large sprinklers and watering systems for up to four weeks from the delivery date, following the watering plan below. This only applies if you have a continuous area of new turf larger than 30 m 2.
You can't water your garden using standard sprinklers or watering systems
You can't allow water to run off on to hard surfaces, such as paths or roadways
You can't put the sprinklers on for children to play under

What’s Excluded?
Recycled water (supplied in some parts of Sydney through purple pipes)
Greywater (water from sinks, showers, washing machines etc)
Rainwater (as long as the tank/dam isn't topped up from, or switched to, the drinking water supply)
Bore water (some government restrictions apply)
River water (you need to have a licence)

Any Exemptions?
If you're a non-residential customer and you use water outdoors, you may be able to apply for an exemption.
If you're a residential customer and have special circumstances eg. medical reasons, establishing a new lawn, to fill a new or renovated pool or spa, you may be able to apply for an exemption.
Contact Sydney Water for more information or contact us for expert advice.